FTDNA has kindly offered special prices for FinnFest 2011 and Finnish DNA Project members.
The coupon code reduces Y DNA 67, mtDNA Full Sequence and Family Finder to a price of $193 each as well as the specials listed below:
Comprehensive Genome, $591 (normally $837)
Super DNA, $392 (normally $548)
Y-DNA 67 + Family Finder $193 x 2= $386 (normally $558)
mtDNA FullSequence + Family Finder, $392 (normally $559)
Y DNA 67, $193 (normally $268)
mtDNAFullSequence, $193 (normally $299)
Family Finder, $193 (normally $289)
(not including $4 domestic and $6 international shipping)
These are really great discounts!
The Coupon Code is valid until 31st of August for all new orders here as well as for subsequent orders from "Order tests & Upgrades" link. You can get the coupon code by stopping by FTDNA's booth at FinnFest August 10th-14th.
...any way to get the coupon code now? ...just came across this today...