Monday, February 24, 2014

Announcing the 2014 Institute for Genetic Genealogy Conference

The Institute for Genetic Genealogy is pleased to announce the 2014 International Genetic Genealogy Conference, which will be held August 15-17 in Washington, DC at the National 4-H Conference Center. This conference has been planned in order to address the great need for genetic genealogy education.

An outstanding group of genetic genealogists and population geneticists have agreed to speak at the conference, including representatives from all of the major genetic genealogy companies. Dr. Spencer Wells, who heads the National Geographic Genographic Project, will be the keynote speaker. 

The main portion of the conference will be held on August 16 and 17 with a packed schedule of presentations from morning until night for those who want to learn as much as possible during this unique opportunity. Saturday will run from 8:30 am until 9:15 pm and Sunday from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Additionally, Family Tree DNA will hold a workshop in the evening of August 15. (Other genetic genealogy companies have also been offered the opportunity to present workshops on August 15 during the afternoon.) 

More details about the conference and registration information can be found at the website. The registration fee for the conference is $85 and will be limited to 800 total attendees. Meals and lodging will be available at the conference center but must be purchased at least one month in advance. The preliminary conference schedule can be found here and descriptions of the presentations and biographical background about the speakers can be found here.

Tim Janzen (with the assistance of his wife Rachel Janzen) and I have been planning and making preparations for this conference for the past six months. Angie Bush, Charmaine Riley Holley and Paul Woodbury have also provided valuable assistance, including distributing conference flyers at RootsTech and running the Institute for Genetic Genealogy's booth there. 

We are grateful to all of the speakers who are willing to share their knowledge with the genetic genealogy community. A complete list of the speakers and their presentations is as follows:

1. representative - DNA products

2.  Jim Bartlett - Getting the Most of Your Autosomal DNA Matches and Triangulation, an Essential Tool to Sort out Your Matches and Map Your DNA

3.  Terry Barton - Surname Project Administration

4.  Dr. Blaine Bettinger - Using Free Third-party Tools to Analyze Your Autosomal DNA

5.  Angie Bush - DNA Case Studies

6.  Rebekah Canada - Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup H

7.  Shannon Christmas - Identity by Descent: Using DNA to Extend the African-American Pedigree

8.  Karin Corbeil, Diane Harman-Hoog, and Rob Warthen - Not Just for Adoptees: Methods and Tools for Working with Autosomal DNA Results from the Team at DNAGedcom

9.  Family Tree DNA representative - FTDNA Products

10.  Dr. Maurice Gleeson - An Irish Approach to Autosomal DNA Matches

11.  Katherine Hope-Borges - ISOGG

12.  Bill Hurst - Mitochondrial DNA Focusing on Haplogroup K

13.  Dr. Tim Janzen - Using Chromosome Mapping to Help Trace Your Family Tree

14.  Dr. Kathy Johnston - From X Segments to Success Stories: The Use of the X Chromosome in Genetic Genealogy

15.  Thomas Krahn - I've Received my Y Chromosome Sequencing Results - What Now?

16.  Dr. Doug McDonald - Understanding Autosomal Biogeographical Ancestry Results

17.  23andMe representative - 23andMe Features

18.  CeCe Moore - The Four Types of DNA Used in Genetic Genealogy

19.  Dr.  Ken Nordtvedt - Y Haplogroup I — Very Early Europeans?

20.  Dr. Ugo Perego - Native American Ancestry Through DNA Analysis

21.  Dr. David Pike - The Use of Phasing in Genetic Genealogy

22.  Bonnie Schrack - Y chromosome Haplogroups A and B

23.  Larry Vick - Using Y-DNA to Reconstruct a Patrilineal Tree

24.  Debbie Parker Wayne - Mitochondrial DNA: Tools and Techniques for Genealogy

25.  Dr. Spencer Wells - the Genographic Project

26.  Dr. Jim Wilson - BritainsDNA's Chromo2 test and Y chromosome research

We hope to see you there for this wonderful educational opportunity!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

BritainsDNA Chromo2 Y-SNP Results Spreadsheet

I received an email from Dr. Jim Wilson of BritainsDNA today which included a link to a spreadsheet with Chromo2 Y-SNP results. He has given me permission to publish it with his comments:

We have finally got round to releasing an anonymised dataset of ~2000 chromo2Y results. This is an excel sheet with ~14,200 SNP results for ~2000 random men using the chromo2 chip, so will be a goldmine for discovering further genealogical structure in European haplogroups. I think it will be of great interest to genetic genealogists and others who are interested in breaking down their haplogroups and subgroups. 

The link is:
(Updated 2/24/14)

Thanks again, Jim!