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Guest Blogger, Itaï Perez, reviews his Full Genome results for my readers:
For those wondering what the results from Full Genomes
look like, here’s a first look.
After a long wait while my kit was sequenced
and analysed, I finally received an email from Full Genomes with an attached rar
archive containing 9 files.
Almost all these files are in a formatted text
format, and can easily be converted to an excel table (which I did).
Here’s the description of the 9 files, as much
as I understand it, one by one:
File #1 - PrivateSNPs
This one is easy to understand. It is a list
of all Private SNPs discovered in my sequencing. Here is the description found in the beginning
of the file (which I removed when converting to Excel).
on 20131001 variantCompare analysis using PGP083013.filt.pyfilt.1kGfilt.vcf and
reference files
And here is the file itself:
The columns are SNP name, position, ancestral
and derived base. The position of these new SNPs have been removed from each image in order to give the Full Genomes team time to register and name them.
File #2 - yknot
This is the only file which is not a table.
This text file includes a tree, following my positive SNPs from Y-Adam to my
current most recent SNP, as defined in the ISOGG Y-tree.
File #3 - variantCompare
This file is more complex. Here is the
description in the beginning of the file:
report: Analysis of Called Variants
report analyzes variants called as differing from the GRCh37 reference sequence
best viewing, open with tab-delimiting in a spreadsheet viewer
flag key: no flag: over 99% likely genuine; *: over 95% likely genuine; **:
about 40% likely genuine; ***: about 10% likely genuine
#it is
strongly suggested that results analysis be restricted to variants with zero or
one asterisks
for reference data include:
# 1000
Genomes Project: An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human
genomes, McVean et al., Nature 491, 56-65 (01 November 2012) doi:
# Personal
Genome Project: Ball, Madeleine P., et al. A public resource facilitating
clinical use of genomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109.30
(2012): 11920-11927. http://www.pnas.org/content/109/30/11920.long
# A
High-Coverage Genome Sequence from an Archaic Denisovan Individual, Meyer et
al. Science 338, 222-226 doi:10.1126/science.1224344
# R.
Drmanac, et. al. Science 327(5961), 78. [DOI: 10.1126/science.1181498]
GRCh37 is the Genome Reference Consortium
human genome (build 37). I guess it is a reference genome similar to CRS or
RSRS for mtDNA. This table lists all the SNPs which vary from
this reference. The fields are position, base change, rsID,
SNP name, reliability and a list of the reference genomes which share this
change. There are four successive sections:
shared SNPs, private SNPs, shared INDELs and pricate INDELs.
Here’s how the file looks:
I also received a small manual describing this
file and how to use it:
File #4 - strcall203.lobystr203report
This table contains the list of all STRs.
Here’s the description in the file :
Y-STR report generated based on lobSTR pre-v2.0.3 (sourceforge git revision
34534b) processing
citation: Gymrek M, Golan D, Rosset S, & Erlich Y. lobSTR: A short tandem
repeat profiler for personal genomes. Genome Research. 2012 April 22.
counts reported according to lobSTR standards; conversion required in certain
cases to produce results based on other counting standards
coordinates based on hg19 / b37 reference sequence
conversions to FTDNA standards for DYS448, DYS449, DYS607, DYS576, DYS511,
DYS640, and DYS485 are provisional
results known to be unreliable include: DYS413a/b, DYS490, DYS572, DYS726,
DYS534, DYS446, and DYS487
lobSTR database has been augmented with results for DYS540, DYS712, DYS593,
DYS715, DYS513, DYS561, DYS497, DYS510, DYF385.1, and DYF385.2, which should be
treated as provisional
two copies of DYS464 and DYF371 are called here; fully-spanning read details
can provide insight into additional copies
includes DYS425
#NR =
not reported / no reads
#NA =
not available
confidence: 1 corresponds to highest confidence, 0 corresponds to lowest
confidence; results with call confidence below 0.2 should be considered very
flags: ? = conflicting fully-spanning reads; * = conflicting partially-spanning
reads; % = het result in diploid calling for marker not recognized as
multicopy; & = not called in diploid calling
details: Format is [repeat count]|[number of reads supporting given repeat
count], with different counts separated by ';'. In the case of multicopy
markers like DYS464, the fully-spanning read details can be used to determine
repeat counts for additional copies
And here is what the file looks like:
Now this gets very technical and I don’t
understand everything, but from what I can figure out, first we have the STR
name and the estimated result, and then follows information
explaining how this result was found and how sure the program is of it.
File #5 - strcall203.lobystr203report ftdna
This table also lists the STRs, but in a much
simpler form. You simply have the name and the results, and the STRs are in the
order they are found at Family Tree DNA.
The description in the file is:
conversions to FTDNA standards for DYS448, DYS449, DYS607, DYS576, DYS511,
DYS640, and DYS485 are provisional
main Y-STR report for further information regarding reliability, etc.
And here’s the table:
File #6 - mttype.RSRS.MT
This table gives the mtDNA results in RSRS
format. It gives for each SNP the position and the ancestral and derived
Here’s the description:
mtDNA report
with respect to RSRS
And here is the file:
File #7 - mttype.rCRS.MT
This one is exactly the same, but using the
CRS format.
mtDNA report
with respect to rCRS
File #8 - haplogroupCompare
This table lists my SNPs and compares them to
some reference results from my haplogroup or close to it. It quite similar to
the variantCompare file. The fields are position, base change, rsID,
SNP name, reliability and the reference results mine is compared to. There are
two successive sections: shared SNPs and private SNPs.
Here’s the description :
report: Detailed Analysis of Called SNPs
to Analysis of Called Variants for citations and other details
#in the
reporting below, it is assumed that the reference allele is ancestral
("-") and the sample allele is derived ("+");
"x"=ambiguous and "?"=no-read/no-call
that this report uses a different, simplified variant calling approach from
that used in the Analysis of Called Variants report, so results may differ,
especially for less-reliable variants
in the neighborhood of G-L91 being considered; includes: G-L91;G-L166;G-M286
And here’s the file:
File #9 - gtype
This one is also a bit complex. It lists the
Y-SNPs and seems to detail how the results were determined.
Here’s what it looks like:
This ends the description of these nine analysis
files. Note that I am still waiting for access to my results on the website and
to my sequencing raw file. If you are interested I’ll write another article to
show it to you then.
Thanks Itaï!
These tools were developed by Dr. Greg Magoon with the supervision of Justin Loe. Justin tells us "these are not final versions and will be
upgraded to a more user-friendly presentation by specialists in
BGI provided the sequencing services and developed the Y chromosome chip.
If you have any questions, please post them below and I will try to get them answered. I'm sure we will be seeing a lot more regarding the Full Genomes test soon...