Time is running out and we are nearing capacity! If you are in the the Southern California area, please join us on Saturday for an exciting all day genetic genealogy seminar in Chula Vista. I hope to see you there!
Chula Vista Genealogical Society
Spring Seminar
"Do Your Genes Fit? Discover Your DNA"
Featured Speaker: CeCe More

you want to know all about DNA genetic testing and how it can help you
learn about your ancestors? On March 30th, 2013,
CVGS will present renowned genetic genealogist CeCe Moore for a lively
and informative day-long seminar. We'll
learn about the various DNA tests available, how to read and understand
the results and how they'll apply to researching our family trees. Adoptees are encouraged to attend.
You're encouraged to bring your test
results to the seminar so CeCe can help you interpret them.
seminar will be held at the Chula Vista Golf Course in Bonita from 9am
to 3pm on Saturday and includes a catered lunch. The fee is $40. Door prizes include a 23andMe kit and two $30 Family Tree DNA coupons.
Register: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e6ur0x8w8adfb9a7&llr=ioiduvhab
Or contact Karen Yarger at khy13@hotmail.com 619-426-0834 or Gary Brock at gary@cyber.net 619-475-4054
Chula Vista Golf Course
4475 Bonita Rd.
BONITA, CA 91902

Driving Directions
4475 Bonita Rd.
BONITA, CA 91902
Driving Directions
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