Thursday, June 9, 2011

One Year Anniversary of "Your Genetic Genealogist"

I can hardly believe that it has been one year already since I started blogging about my favorite subject - personal genomics. I could never have guessed how fulfilling and exciting it would be. During this time, this blog has logged 38,591 page views from 102 countries. 23andMe is, obviously, a very popular subject since my most frequented post was about 23andMe's last sale with 8,866 page views (the vast majority of these in only 36 hours).  It is encouraging to see that my recent post on second cousin comparisons from my series "Known Relative Studies with 23andMe" is already in the top ten even though I wrote it less than two weeks ago. (Since slightly over 20% of my visitors come from Google, many of my posts continue to be read long after their publication.) I will be writing a lot more installments for this series, so it is good to see that it is well-received.

 Most Popular Posts over 12 months- click to enlarge

I haven't been able to write as much as I originally intended nor as much as I would like.  Hopefully, that will change in the second year of "Your Genetic Genealogist". I am confident that there are a lot of exciting discoveries in store for all of us and I look forward to sharing them with you.


  1. Congratulations on your first year. You've been a great resource!

  2. Thanks Susan. I'm glad to hear that you have been reading!

  3. Congrats! Looking forward to the next year and many more!
