Thursday, June 27, 2013

Please Join Me and Shannon Christmas for Bernice Bennett's Blog Talk Radio Show on Autosomal DNA Tonight

Please join me and my good friend and colleague, Shannon Christmas, for Bernice Bennett's Blog Talk Radio show discussing Autosomal DNA testing at 6:00 pm PST tonight. We will be answering lots of your questions about autosomal DNA research and the companies that offer this test. (The show will be archived for listeners who can't listen in tonight. Since this post did not mail out as scheduled, interested readers can use that option to hear the show at the link below.)

You can listen at this link:

Strategies For Using Autosomal DNA
CeCe Moore and Shannon Christmas will discuss strategies for using autosomal DNA to resolve genealogical problems.

Shannon Christmas is an experienced genealogist specializing in genetic, colonial American, and African-American genealogy in Virginia and the Carolinas. He serves as a 23andMe Ancestry Ambassador, an Ace, administrator of The Captain Thomas Graves of Jamestown Autosomal DNA Project, and a co-administrator of The Hemings-Jefferson-Wayles-Eppes Autosomal DNA Project.

CeCe Moore is a professional genetic genealogist and writes the popular blog "Your Genetic Genealogist", where she covers the developments in the field of DNA genealogy as an independent, unbiased authority. She is the Southern California Regional Coordinator for the International Society of Genetic Genealogy and the administrator of the organization’s DNA Newbie Mailing List. In 2012, CeCe was personally appointed by the CEO of 23andMe to serve as their lead Ancestry Ambassador, a volunteer position that enables her to promote the interests of the genealogy community.


  1. Thanks to you and Shannon for doing the show. I've got a presentation coming up for the Genealogical Research Society of New Orleans in October covering not only how I used DNA testing to break through my Grandfather's adoption but also to cover a workshop on the various tests, companies and helping folks figure out what it all means.

    I think this show has helped me to gel in my mind a little better how I might start to put that latter part together (I've already done the presentation on the adoption part and the great reception of that presentation is what got us to do this workshop.) So I appreciate your participation in such things as the questions you received and responses you and Shannon were giving will really help me out by making it clearer where I should look at focusing.


  2. Great show! The turnout was tremendous--more than I've ever witnessed since I began listening to Bernice's show. Previously, she solicited some questions from the members of the DNA Tested African Descendants Facebook group; but the listeners of the podcast had so many immediate questions that I don't think she ever got around to asking the questions posted on the Facebook site. I hope you and Shannon do this again; and we somehow encourage the "newbies" to listen to it. Your presentations last night-- along with the little bit I was able to catch of the stream from your conference a few weeks ago--were so informative. Thanks for all you do to make genetic genealogy accessible to everyone!

  3. I am related to Shannon on the Hawkins side and just found this blog. I am related to Lenny, too per Ancestry DNA. Not sure exactly how we are related.

    Heidi Haines Handley
